Summit Update!

Hello Everyone – Happy December!

We are so excited to share the growing list of presenters for the 2020 Positive Judaism Summit at UC Berkeley on March 12, 2020. A warm welcome to:

Dr. Deena Aronoff, Professor, Graduate Theological Union
Dr. Johannes Eichstaedt, Professor, Stanford University
Rabbi Darren Levine, Author of Positive Judaism 
Jason Marsh, DirectorGreater Good Science Center
Tiffany Shlain, Filmmaker and Author of 24/6
David Waksberg, CEO, Bay Area Jewish Learning Works

We will announce the full schedule along with registration links in early January. Until then, please save the date and join us on March 12th in Berkeley. And if you would like to be involved, please let me know!

The book, Positive Judaism: For a Lifetime of Well-being and Happiness has lifted off. Thanks to so many of you that came to a book launch event. It’s now available where books are sold in print, e-book, and audio.

Our website also has discussion guides and a sample page to give you a peek inside.

Follow and contribute to the progress of the book and Positive Judaism on our new Facebook Page.

Lastly, help us make 2020, “The Year of the Positive.” We’ll share more about this idea and how you can help towards the end of December.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Thank you,

Chesney Polis
Program Coordinator, Posit